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M5 - Eco House Store




EcoRight mortars are manufactured using natural hydraulic limes (NHL) which are produced by burning argillaceous or siliceous limestone. EcoRight pre-mixed mortars comply with the durability requirements of BS5628: Part 3: 2001. Mortar strengths are measured at 91 days as opposed to 28 days, as lime mortars gain strength more gradually compared to Portland cement-based mortars.

Materials used conform to the following standards:

Kiln Dried Sands & Pigments – BS EN 13139: 2002

Natural Hydraulic Lime – (NHL) BS EN 459: Part 1: 2001

By manufacturing under strict quality-controlled conditions, EcoRight produces mortars that have consistent strength and colour whilst avoiding the costs, risks and waste associated with site mixing.

Mortars can be re-worked for up to 12 hours.


EcoRight mortars are more flexible than Portland cement-based mortars, which means that expansion joints are not necessary in many circumstances. EcoRight mortars offer good vapour permeability, which enables the building to breath. EcoRight mortars are formulated to meet the requirements of compressive strength and durability.


EcoRight mortars can be used for scratch coat and floating coat plasters and renders and have a coverage rate of 1.25m2 per 25kg bag (50m2 per tonne) @ 9mm thick

For bricklaying a bulk bag will lay 1000 bricks with a 10mm joint, and a single brick skin. (1000 bricks per tonne of mortar)


There are a large number of different colours available in the standard range. Every shade is available in every strength. The extended range adds another 30 colours and additional aggregates can be added to create ‘heritage’ mixes however these are made to order so please contact us for more information about cost & availability Tel:  0118 946 9146

EcoRight Hydraulic Lime Mortars are available in pallets of x40 25kg bags, 1000kg bulk bags and for large projects in Silos. For Silo prices please call us on +44 (0) 118 946 9146.

Additional information

Weight N/A



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